Alocasia - Growing Instruction & Care

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Alocasia (a·luh·kay·zhuh)
Family: Araceae

Common Name: African Mask, Elephant Ears

Botanical Name: Alocasia species (see below for available varieties!)

Pet Friendly: No

  1. Alocasia, also known as elephant ear, is a tropical plant that can add a touch of exotic beauty to any indoor space. With its large, striking leaves and impressive height, the Alocasia can make a bold statement in your home or office. However, growing Alocasia requires some care and attention. In this blog, we’ll cover seven essential instructions for growing Alocasia, including watering tips, fertilizer instructions, and other important things you need to know.

    1. Watering: The Alocasia prefers moist soil, but not wet. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering. Overwatering can cause root rot, while underwatering can cause the leaves to wilt. Watering frequency should be adjusted based on environmental conditions and the plant's size.

    2. Light: Alocasia needs bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, so place your plant near a bright window, but not in direct sunlight. If your plant's leaves are turning yellow or brown, it may be getting too much light.

    3. Temperature: Alocasia thrives in warm and humid environments. Keep the plant in a room with a temperature range between 60°F and 80°F (15-27°C). Avoid placing it near drafts or air conditioning vents, which can cause stress to the plant.

    4. Soil: Alocasia prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A mix of peat moss, perlite, and coconut coir can create a suitable growing medium for your plant. Re-potting every 1-2 years is necessary for the health of the plant.

    5. Fertilizer: To promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage, fertilize your Alocasia every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Use a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen to promote leaf growth, but avoid over-fertilizing, which can cause leaf burn.

    6. Humidity: Alocasia requires high humidity levels to thrive. If the humidity levels in your home are low, place a humidifier near the plant or group it with other plants to increase the humidity. Alternatively, you can mist the plant regularly to maintain moisture levels.

    7. Pruning: Pruning your Alocasia is essential for maintaining its shape and promoting new growth. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves as soon as you notice them. You can also trim back any leggy stems to encourage new growth and keep the plant looking full and healthy.

    In conclusion, growing Alocasia requires some attention and care, but with these instructions, you can successfully care for your plant and enjoy its stunning beauty. Remember these seven essential instructions:

    • Water your Alocasia when the top inch of soil is dry, but avoid overwatering or underwatering.
    • Provide bright, indirect sunlight for your plant.
    • Keep your plant in a warm and humid environment.
    • Use well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter.
    • Fertilize your plant every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.
    • Increase humidity levels through a humidifier, group with other plants, or mist the plant regularly.
    • Prune your Alocasia regularly to maintain its shape and promote new growth.

    If you're looking to add a touch of exotic beauty to your indoor space, consider purchasing Alocasia from American Plant Supply. Their selection of plants and expert knowledge can help you successfully care for your plant and enjoy its stunning beauty. Happy growing!