Anthurium - Growing Instruction & Care

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Anthurium (an·thaw·ree·uhm) 

A Beginner's Plant Care Guide for Anthurium

Family: Araceae
Common Name: Flamingo Flower, Tail Flower, Painted Tongue Plant, Bird's Nest Anthurium, Water Dragon Anthurium, Bird's Nest Anthurium
Botanical Name: Anthurium andraeanum, Anthurium fruffles, Anthurium plowmanii

Pet Friendly: No

Indoor gardening enthusiasts, it's time to spruce up your collection with the vibrant and easy-to-care-for anthurium plant! Known for its show-stopping waxy spathes in bright red, white, pink, or purple, the anthurium plant is a tropical beauty that will take your indoor garden to the next level.

Despite what you may have heard, anthurium plants are not actual flowers but are, in fact, epiphytes with striking foliage. These plants hail from warm, tropical regions and are adapted to grow on the surface of other plants or in rich organic humus.

As a houseplant, the anthurium is incredibly durable and requires minimal care. Keep reading for some tips on how to grow and care for anthurium plants.

First things first, watering. Make sure to water your anthurium thoroughly when the top inch of soil is dry. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so be cautious and check the soil for dryness every few days before watering.

Fertilizer is key during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a complete, ¼-strength liquid fertilizer once a month. But be careful not to overfeed, as too much fertilizer can do more harm than good. For optimal results, opt for a fertilizer high in phosphorus to encourage more blooms.

Anthurium plants require well-draining soil to avoid root rot. While most soil-less potting soil designed for indoor plants will work fine, adding cactus potting soil mix can help improve drainage. Allow the soil to dry out entirely before watering.

In terms of light, anthurium plants require bright, indirect sunlight to grow healthy and strong. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and flowers, so make sure to place your anthuriums in a setting where they will receive at least 6 hours of bright indirect sunlight each day.

While anthuriums prefer warm temperatures ranging from 70-90°F, they can adapt to typical household temperature ranges. However, avoid temperature extremes. If your thermostat drops below 50°F, the anthurium will stop growing. If your house gets too hot, your anthuriums will wilt.

Anthurium plants thrive on humidity, but flowering varieties can tolerate more dryness. If your humidity level is less than 50%, consider using a humidifier to increase the level to at least 60%. Filling small trays with pebbles and water and grouping indoor plants together can also help slightly increase the humidity surrounding your plants.

It's worth noting that anthurium plants are toxic to pets and can cause skin irritation. But don't worry, you can still add this tropical beauty to your collection! Just be mindful of its placement in your home.

Anthurium plants are an excellent addition to any indoor garden, and the good news is that not all varieties are coveted for their blooms. Foliage-focused options like Anthurium superbum, Water Dragon, plowmanii, and Jungle Bush require similar care to flowering kinds, but they don't need as much light.

Ready to add some tropical flair to your indoor garden? Look no further than American Plant Supply! With our extensive selection of anthurium plants, you're sure to find the perfect addition to your collection. Shop now and elevate your indoor gardening game!