Begonias - Growing Instruction & Care
Begonias (bi·gown·yuhz)
Family: Begoniaceae
Pet Friendly: Although popular and versatile during summer, this plant can cause severe mouth burning and irritation, along with excessive drooling, vomiting, and potential difficulty in swallowing if consumed by dogs or cats.
If you're searching for a vibrant and low-maintenance plant that can add a touch of beauty to your indoor or outdoor space, begonias are an excellent choice. These stunning plants are available in a wide range of colors, making it easy to find the perfect match for your decor. But how can you ensure your begonias thrive? First, make sure they receive the appropriate amount of sunlight and water, as these factors can significantly impact their growth. Additionally, it's essential to choose the right soil and fertilizers, as begonias require specific nutrients to thrive. With proper care, your begonias can grow into lush and colorful plants, providing you with enjoyment for years to come. So why not add some begonias to your gardening repertoire and enjoy the beauty they bring?
What's a Begonia? Begonias are annual, flowering tubers that can grow between 6-18 inches tall depending on the variety. They are adaptable and can be grown in any climate, making them a popular choice for gardeners across the country.
Planting Your Begonia To plant a begonia, fill a starter pot 3/4 full of loose potting soil. Place the tuber in the pot with the hollow side facing up, and cover it with about 1 inch of soil. Water it well and keep the soil moist. Once the plant sprouts, you can transfer it to a permanent pot filled with a potting soil/vermiculite mix.
Watering Tips Begonias like to be kept moist, but not waterlogged. Water them when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Be sure not to get water on the leaves or stems, as this can lead to disease.
Fertilizer Instructions If you're planting begonias in a flowerbed, add 1 pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer for every 100 square feet of area before spring planting. For container-grown begonias, use a balanced liquid houseplant food at half the rate given on the package. Feed every 2 weeks in the spring and summer.
Light Preference Begonias prefer partial shade, so they do well in areas that get morning sun and afternoon shade. If growing indoors, place them near a window that gets bright, indirect light.
Soil Recommendations Begonias do well in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A potting soil/vermiculite mix works well for container-grown plants.
Most Important Things to Know
- Begonias are sensitive to cold temperatures and should be brought indoors when the temperature drops below 50°F.
- Avoid getting water on the leaves and stems to prevent disease.
- Stop fertilizing in late summer or early fall to stop any late-season growth.
- Pinch back the tips of the stems to encourage bushy growth and more blooms.
Ready to add some begonias to your garden or home? Visit American Plant Supply for a selection of growing supplies and plants. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to growing healthy, vibrant begonias that will brighten up any space.
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